Manuscript Formatting Services

Journal selection is the first step in the process of publication. Disconcordance of your article with the standards of each journal (including the word count, design of the tables, font types, and size, etc), which have been mentioned in the “Instructions for Authors”, may lead to delay, losing time, and even to return your submitted article to you.

By choosing our “manuscript formatting service”, we conform your article to the specifications of your selected journal by reading the journal’s “Instructions for Authors” thoroughly and format your article based on the instruction of any specific journal.

If required, we will change the font type and size, reformat the tables, check for the word count specifications of each type of article for each journal as well as check for the number of references that are legitimate (example: We will then feed you back and will help you to modify the article accordingly.

Our professional team adheres to the “Instructions for Authors” of the selected journal and formats the tables, figures, fonts, style, etc…

Let an expert team conform your manuscript to the specifications of the selected journal. Sit back and receive an error-free manuscript to enhance the chance of publication.

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