Research Train Services
With CMP’s unique “Research Train Services”, a professional team including research methodologists, statisticians, medical writers, etc. support you and your teams during all stages of research
Do you know how eminent researchers can be authors of hundreds of articles during their academic lives? The answer is that they have a research team that backs them up in different stages of research, including research question generation, protocol writing, data analysis, medical writing, copy editing, journal selection, journal submission, and preparing responses to reviewers.
If you would like to have a professional team support you and your research group during all stages of research, use CMP’s unique “Research Train Services”. With these services, we will set up a team including research methodologists, statisticians, medical writers, etc, as a “Research Arm” exclusively dedicated to you and your team. Based on your field of expertise, this team will search for novel research questions, which have the potential to be the base of a research protocol. This new idea will be shared with you and will be discussed in a joint meeting with you and your team. In case of approval, your “Research Arm” will start writing the related protocol, and after protocol approval by your institution, you can begin gathering the associated data.
Upon gathering data for the first project, your “Research Arm” will analyze the data, interpret it under your supervision and by using your feedbacks. Then our medical writers will start writing the primary draft of your article and will send it to you for your “critical revision” on the scientific parts so that you ethically fulfill the authorship criteria endorsed by the ICMJE. Finally, our Journal Selection and Journal Submission teams will find the most suitable journals for this manuscript.
After a reasonable period of time, you will have several projects in different stages of idea development, protocol approval, data gathering, statistical analysis, medical writing, journal selection, journal submission, and revised version preparation.
In a mid-term period, you will be distinct, publication-wise, from your colleagues who do not have such support.

Why choose this service?
Having a dedicated professional team to act as a “Research Arm” for you and your team is the least you can get from this service. Continuous planning for different research projects and pushing forward each stages of those projects make you distinct, publication-wise, from your colleagues who do not have such support.
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